20 November 2005

The Urban Land Institute Recommendations

Map Source: The Times-Picayune, 19 November 2005

The Urban Land Institute, a internationally recognized non-profit organization/"think-tank," released its recommendations for New Orleans' rebuilt future on Friday following a week-long symposium by fifty of its experts (LINK). The ULI produces publications, plans, papers, etc. regarding urban development strategies, issues, etc. and generated the Canal Street revitalization plan a few years back for the New Orleans Downtown Development District (DDD). Local developer Joe Canizaro is a big proponent of the ULI and is a past-president of the organization. Press Kabacoff, another local developer (who has taken a lot of heat recently because of the River Garden development--a mixed-use development in the Lower Garden District which replaced the St. Thomas Housing Project that includes a Wal-Mart Supercenter), received the ULI Visionaries in Urban Development Award in 2004.

The Times-Picayune's coverage of the plan can be found here: (LINK).


At December 01, 2005 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What to do with all the pink and blue bits on the ULI map? Without Category 5 levee protection Lake View would make a lovely RV park. It’ll be complete with shuffleboard – right after the Corps bulldozes the pile of mold and mildew that’s covering my otherwise useless slab.

How about KOA rebuilding the lower Ninth? Jellystone and Yogi to tickle the kids in NO East? Hop over to Algiers to use the potty and take a shower?

Surely the high-powered architectural minds assembled for the recent Louisiana Recovery-Rebuilding conference could focus on the most architecturally underserved corners of the housing market and come up with inspired creations on wheels. Creole cottage van conversions? Shotgun 5th wheels? Greek revival Airstreams? King cake tire covers?

Mind you now, we’ll have none of those tacky white trash, tornado-spawning, antebellum doublewides. Let ‘em stay on the North Shore. We demand transportable Go cup-grade, daiquiri-haulers ready to bogie when the word’s out that tonight’s party is in Memphis. Without one of these babies, all you get is a look and leave pass.

Tack a little Styrofoam on the outside and you’ve got yourself a Mardi Gras float that would be the envy of the Elks truck parade. Better yet, gussy up Leviathan, the Bacchagator or Captain Eddie's S.S. Endymion with 3 slide-outs and grey water tanks and you’ve got yourself a home sweet home for the other 364 days a year.

Hey, park your RAM diesel krewe cab on the neutral ground ready for a quick hook up and a speedy getaway into the contra-flow during the next mandatory evacuation. Just make sure the electrical hookups have watertight gaskets in case they won’t let you come back for 6 weeks. This time you can take all your underwear, not just 3 days worth.

If we’re lucky, we can plan on putting it up on blocks to save wear on the tires - in about 15 years.


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