28 April 2006

Bay Buchanan, You Ignorant Slut

"Expert" Bay Buchanan made the above statement yesterday on the CNN program Situation Room. Could she have made a more insensitive, cold-hearted statement? Its right up there with the Barbara Bush "they don't have it too bad" quip made in early September 2005 in reference to the New Orleans evacuees in the Astrodome in Houston. Bay says Katrina has worn out its welcome. She goes on that the American people are just so tired of hearing about it. In contrast however, nearly five years later, I guess 11 September hasn't worn out its welcome and the American people surely aren't tired of getting that drilled into their noggins every five seconds. Know why? Because 9/11 suits an ideological agenda (Katrina does not) and is the crutch that justifies anything, even things that are in direct violation of the law and the U.S. Constitution, the The Decider Administration does . . .

You know what . . . I don't need to write anymore on this because Suspect Device has nailed it . . .

Read "We've Worn Out Our Welcome." Absolutely perfect.

And I say, along with Ashley: Fine, they're bored with us, then cut them off from our resources. No interest, no shipping. No interest, no port utilization. No interest, no oil and gas.


At April 29, 2006 12:08 AM, Blogger John Peltier said...

That's atrocious!


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