21 July 2006

Hubig's Pies Online

The other day on my way to work I was flipping around the radio dial and stopped on WTIX 690 AM (I refuse to call the station by it's new call letters). On the morning show was Idea Village President Tim Williamson. This non-profit organization is doling out seed monies to aid in small businesses' post-KTMB recovery. He mentioned that Hubig's Pie Company was an example of a local small business that used the available money to establish an e-commerce site. It is now possible to purchase Hubig's Pies online . . .

Check out this gem on the site: how about a Savory Simon tattoo?

Speaking of New Orleans radio . . . WRNO is still on the air as The Rock of New Orleans despite the announced June change of format to "conservative talk" by the grim reaper. Is 1 August going to be the day the music dies?

TAGS: Katrina, New Orleans, NOLA, Hubig's Pie, Clear Channel Communication, WRNO


At July 21, 2006 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, wish we could get some info on WRNO -- I was just wondering this morning, while rockin' out to Heart, what's the deal? I hope it stays - it's an institution. We've lost too many of those over the years.
Looking for a box the other day to wrap a gift I found a like new one with Maison Blanche on it. sniff.

At July 21, 2006 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Da mighty six ninety?

At July 22, 2006 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live Hubig's! The last Hubig's pie I remember eating was at the cafeteria at University Hospital when I was a medical resident there. I'll have to place my order.

I have enjoyed reading your site, and am wondering if you would be interested, as a fellow New Orleans blog site, in an online project I am working on.

I am trying to organize an online project to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. My plan, which I call the Katrina Blog Project, involves getting bloggers together who were personally affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Beginning August 26, each blogger in the project will post a daily personal recounting of the events as they experienced them one year before. (I chose August 26 because it was the last "normal" workday for most people before Katrina hit.)

It is my hope that, if I can get a significant number of people to join me in this, that we can create a large-scale online re-enactment of the events of Katrina week in the words of people who lived through it. I do not think a major historic has ever been retold in this fashion, so we would be creating something entirely new.

I hope you will consider participating. The more people who join, the more important this project will be. I hope to attract a national audience, and to increase national awareness of the problems in Katrina's aftermath.

For more information, you can check out my guidelines here:
Thanks for considering my proposal.

At July 24, 2006 7:42 AM, Blogger dillyberto said...

You can't see Savory Simon and not think of goobling up a pie.

Is banana a new flavor since the storm?

My wife says it is. I've never seen it before until recently.


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