13 December 2005

Katrina - The Impact on New Orleans' Mental State

Carnival Season is rapidly approaching, but the Holidays are in full swing. It has finally dawned on our friends outside of the city that some folks might be a little "Depressed" at this time of year. This revelation is almost as comical as one of those Beer commercials "You think anyone might be depressed with the holidays rolling around, their lives turned completely upside down, and the constant bickering between the Federal, State and Local Parish governments about who did what?" "Maybe we should have planned for this..." "Advanced Planning?? BRILLIANT!!"

Here are some tidbits from the experts:

Before Katrina, the National Suicide Prevention hot line got an average of about 3,000 calls a month from all over the country. Since the storm, monthly calls have more than doubled to 7,000 in October alone with most new calls coming from Katrina-affected areas, said spokeswoman Aprinaturalle

"We don't have our medical system here. It's gone. That's a big problem," Dr. Frank Minyard (coroner) said. "I think it's going to end tragically for some of our citizens, not only here, but who are spread out all over the country."

"It's almost like a shotgun blast as opposed to a single bullet to social stability," said Bryan Gros, a Baton Rouge psychologist who works for the Mental Health Association of Louisiana. "People are having a hard time."

I feel like Mr. Hand from Fast Times at Ridgemont High when I read these quotes... "What are you, people? On dope???" This is just coming to mind NOW?

But like everything else that seems to be going on, many are identifying problems (not necessarily a bad thing) but no one is offering solutionsdefinitelyly a bad thing).

This, to me is the beauty of this "Blog" and the people who contribute to it. I have known them for what seems to be a lifetime, and when faced with adversity, they come through. If a member of Krewe Char de Guerre is in need, there is not a moment's hesitation on what to do... TAKE ACTION.

One of my biggest fears after Sister Katrina (KTMB) roared through, was that the most important part of the city and its rich traditions would get lost in the shuffle. Homes can be rebuilt, Levees can be reinforced, Businesses can rebound. But if there is no solid plan to rebuild the PEOPLE of New Orleans, then the true spirit and soul of the city will be lost forever.

The Crescent City Must be rebuilt, and ALL impacted assets must be carefully considered in the process.


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