22 June 2006

150 Year Old Church Gone. More Fire.

Yet another fire overnight.

Is there going to be anything left to New Orleans???? How bout we just take out the whole block--its just the Lower Garden District. A Cracker Barrel could go there. Or how bout an Olive Garden.

Ten years from now: Ya, I used to live in New Orleans. I survived the flood, but didn't survive the fires.

Excuse the sarcasm, but this is getting ridiculous.

Footnote on the story: According to neworleanschurches.com, the church was built in 1854 and sustained major structural damage during Hurricane Besty in 1965. The church was listed as structurally unsafe to enter even before the fire.

So an abandoned/unused church just spontaneously combusts???? Poof. Something smells.

UPDATE from NOLA.com: The fire left Coliseum Place Baptist Church, at 1376 Camp St., in ruins. The church, which was more than 150-years old, sat in historic Coliseum Square but has had no utilities since 2004, firefighters said

TAGS: Katrina, New Orleans, NOLA, Fire, Lower Garden District, Camp Street


At June 22, 2006 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks fishy to me too. Glad you posted since our firechaser, Jeffrey, is offline today. It saved me from having to do so.

At June 22, 2006 9:44 AM, Blogger Seymour D. Fair said...

Yep--tis why I posted it.

At June 22, 2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Mark Folse said...

Yeah, I can't wait for them to announce the condo tower to replace it. I wonder if owners of valuable properties are getting the same scrutiny Tim the blogger got when his house burned down. "And where were you, Mr. Kabakoff, the evening of the fire?"


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